Vote and Community Governance

Atlas aggregator is a decentralized organization proudly governed by our $ATA token holders. This includes our founders, core contributors, and community members, as well as some external holders. All the big decisions of Atlas aggregator are made and voted on by our $ATA holders, including how the fees are set, where the protocol and its contributors are funded, how we market Atlas, and The direction of the future plans.

In addition, the day-to-day operations of Atlas are managed by our core team of contributors who act as the executive branch and are responsible for enforcing the wishes of our ATA holders. As with any growing organization, making every decision through formal governance is impossible, so our core team has been empowered to manage the protocol. Any area of โ€‹โ€‹Core decision-making can be brought up through a governance vote to ensure they can be held accountable.

Voting requires you to hold $ATA, which can be stored in your wallet or held in the native token Earnings Pool or vault. Voting power directly depends on the amount of $ATA held by each voter. You also can vote without removing your stake. To submit your vote, go to the Atlas snapshot voting page, connect your wallet, and go to the public proposal you wish to vote on. Here you'll find an interface to "vote" by selecting your preferred option and clicking "Vote." You then need to sign the transaction via your wallet to submit your vote officially

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